I'm very excited because my Mom is coming today. I'm taking a little break from getting the house ready while trying to watch the GA game (yeah, their back and ranked #1). On Monday Mom and I are headed to my aunt's (shhhh don't tell the kids) for one night then on to Myrtle Beach for two nights. I'm so thrilled to get away with my Mom and just have some time to sleep, read, and relax.
Special thanks to my dear hubbie who took a day off work, will get all 3 kids where they need to be, teach our ScreamFree Parenting class Wednesday night. feed the kids, do laundry. Hey, now I know why I need a break! Ha You're the best, honey!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Rainbow Chasers
Taken at Jared's school
Taken at the end of our street.
Tuesday night we had the most incredible rainbow in our neighborhood. We "chased" it down our street to Jared's school. It was gorgeous! This picture does not look real but it's real. A beautiful reminder of God's love for us. It's safer than chasing tornado's too!
everyday life
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First Day of Kindergarten-BTS Part 3

Today was Jenna's first day of Kindergarten at our church preschool. I'm so glad she's going 4 days, 1/2 day. It was a very rainy day (thankful for that) but a great day for all the students. They went right in and got to work! We're going to have a great year. Jenna has lots of friends in her class and great teachers!
Now, finally, since July 31st I have all three kids settled in school! I'm ready for a nap!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Special Times With Jenna
A home visit from Jenna's teachers (Mrs. B and Mrs. Richie) last Thursday.
Jenna and Hannah.
Making cupcakes. She's wearing her new apron and hat that she got from her friend Annie for her birthday.
Jenna's new haircut.
I must say I have been really weepy around my house lately. Jenna starts Kindergarten next Tuesday and I have been trying to plan some special things for us. Boy am I glad she's going to our church preschool and it's only 4 days a week, 1/2 day. We will still have Monday together but I just don't want her to go. She's my baby. KINDERGARTEN. Next year that means first grade-we won't go there.
We have had a lot of fun this week. Last Friday we went to Hannah's house to swim. Hannah is Jenna's new friend and they will be in Kindergarten together. The way they met is a long story that I will share another time. Monday we had "make stuff day". We made cupcakes, and a purse. Wednesday Jenna got a new haircut for school, today we have her check up (this will not be fun), and tonight we have open house.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hangin' Out With the Senior Citizens
Several weeks ago our friends David and Melody invited us to a silent auction for
senior citizens of Gwinnett County. It was really fun and they had a ton of good stuff. They had trips, paintings, gift cards to restaurants, and all kinds of stuff to bid on. The theme was Hollywood and people were really dressed up and the food was awesome. David and I won 2 sets of tickets to Braves games for a STEAL (no pun intended)! They are right behind the dugout. One game is tonight so we're headed there later for a date night-yeah!
We decided that we will make this an annual event!
senior citizens of Gwinnett County. It was really fun and they had a ton of good stuff. They had trips, paintings, gift cards to restaurants, and all kinds of stuff to bid on. The theme was Hollywood and people were really dressed up and the food was awesome. David and I won 2 sets of tickets to Braves games for a STEAL (no pun intended)! They are right behind the dugout. One game is tonight so we're headed there later for a date night-yeah!
We decided that we will make this an annual event!
daily life
Friday, August 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Cheryl!
Happy Birthday to my dear friend Cheryl! We had the best time last night eating dinner and getting a 2 1/2 hour pedicure. The wait was a little long but who noticed when you're in such good company? Cheryl and I have been friends for, well, a long time! We wish we didn't live so far apart but when we get together we just pick up where we left off.
Love you, friend. What happens at O'Charley's stays at O'Charley's!
I know you love Daughtry so this song's for you!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Welcome Home-Back to School Part 2
Monday Jacob started 7th grade at ANOTHER, almost new, school. In Kindergarten ,
1st, and 1/2 of 2nd grade he went to LCA, the local Christian school in our community. The rest of 2nd grade we homeschooled then Jacob and Jared started public school in 1st and 3rd grade. WE knew when middle school started that we wanted them back in Christian School so we started checking into schools when Jacob was in 5th grade. We looked at every school around us (including LCA) and felt the Lord calling us to Prince Avenue. I know that was where Jacob was meant to be last year but through a series of God-ordained circumstances, just 7 days before school started, we were led back to LCA. I really thought that door was closed for us and every day I see why God led us back here. At open house one of the founders of the school, and friends of ours from way back, walked up to us and said: "Welcome home." That is exactly what David and I had just said on our way there-it felt like we were coming home. Jacob has connected with old friends, the school is full of our friends from church, it closer, etc... My sister-in-law picks him up every morning! If you remember my schedule from last year this is just blowing my mind that my life is so much more calm with not running the roads as much. I was listening to this song, How Great is Our God, a couple of days ago and just got overwhelmed at how good God is to us. I'm so glad he helps us look past our own thought of what he wants for us and leads us to His perfect will. We are continuing to trust Him with two other big prayer requests for our family. When the Lord led me to this verse for my Screamfree parenting class I never knew it would apply to my family:
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a NEW thing."
Isaiah 43: 18, 19
Saturday, August 9, 2008
It's Official
It's official. I'm the mother of a teenager. My firstborn, Jacob turns 13 today (Sunday). It's amazing when I think back to how the Lord has blessed us in 13 years. It started in the hospital with an emergency c-section. The cord was wrapped around his neck. At the time, I did not realize how serious that was. From the time Jacob took his first steps he never actually walked. He ran. All day, every day. David and I have fond memories of Jacob bolting around the backyard in his Spiderman costume, or Batman, or Bibleman, whatever he wanted to wear at the time. Today, he is still my active one. But instead of superhero costumes it's American Eagle and Aeropostale, cell phone, girls, Georgia Bulldogs, playstation, and top 40 music. He's growing up to be such a fine young man. A few weeks ago we were all in church together and the offering plate was passed. Jacob quietly slipped his money in and when the sermon started he opened his bible and followed along. When we did his room downstairs, I saw his bible opened on his nightstand. I thought David did it but he said it was Jacob. I am entering the phase where every year I realize it's one less year that he will be at home. I can only pray we are preparing him to "launch".
Friday night we had a sleepover with 3 other boys and today we will just hang out with the family. Happy 13th birthday, Jacob! We love you so much.
P.S. No comments about my hair. That was 12 years ago.
Sweet Dreams!
For Jacob's 13th birthday we asked him if would want to move downstairs to the extra bedroom. Jacob and Jared have been sharing a room for 5 years and we thought Jacob might need his "teenage" space. I really was against it at first. The room downstairs was a great room for all my extra stuff. The cradle that I slept in and my kids, antique hope chest, antique telephone table that belonged to my gradmother, special pictures from my Aunt Jonnie and Uncle Don, and not to mention we all considered that "grandma's room" for when she came to visit. I didn't want to give it up. It was my Kentucky room. But, I'm really glad they both have their own room now. Jacob and Jared actually hang out in there which is bringing them A LITTLE closer together. Of course, it was an easy decision on the theme of his room. He is a huge UGA fan (like you couldn't tell). Go DAWGS! We still need a few things in there like a chest or dresser but it's complete for now. He had a tough time adjusting to sleeping down there at first but now he's doing great. That's a good thing because school starts Monday!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Dream Come True

A couple of years ago my friend Jodi and I would take our girls to ballet and watch the ScreamFree Parenting DVD's in her SUV. I can remember being so exicted that someone else felt the same way as I did about parenting. We would share about how we love our children so very much but we were not enjoying them and wanted to change that. We would talk a lot and I could not wait to get the word out to more people about this book. It had changed our life so much I wanted to share the life change! Last night that dream came true for me when I was able to share the ScreamFree Revolution in a class setting.We had about 25 people (I could be way off) last night in our first class. We had single parents, educators, frustrated parents, parents of one child and parents with many children. I was so nervous that I can hardly remember the class but it seemed everything went well! (thanks for the compliment Jodi!) Most people feel the same way: we want to be able to keep our cool with our kids. Some people had heard of the book before but most people had not. It will be exciting to see how things go the next 9 weeks. Everyone enjoyed Hal's Waffle House story!
I'm also excited about the ScreamFree At First Baptist blog I started for our class. Check it out!
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a NEW thing."
Isaiah 43: 18, 19
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Exhausted But Excited

It's been a very busy time for me right now (and for everyone else, I'm sure). Jared started school Thursday, today was the first day of our new Sunday School year at church. We worked really hard all summer getting ready, tonight was a going away reception for Lori Fowler, the director of our weekday preschool, and Wednesday I start my first ScreamFree Parenting class. I have about 50 people signed up and boy am I nervous. I do not like getting up in front of people but the Lord has been preparing me for this for about 4 years. When God gives you a passion for something, He makes everything possible! If you have not heard about this book, check it out! You can purchase a CPR kit by clicking the link to the left, or purchase the book from me also (make sure and get the Chrisitan version. It's not sold in regualr bookstores or grocery stores).
From the ScreamFree Web Site:
Emotional reactivity is behind every bad pattern, bad decision, and bad relationship. Whenever we get reactive — whether by screaming, cutting ourselves off, overcompensating for others, or taking things personally or defensively — we operate out of our anxiety and, ironically, end up creating the very outcomes we were hoping to avoid. ScreamFree Living takes this reactivity very seriously and stresses that the number one step toward creating the types of relationships we truly crave is learning to calm down.
ScreamFree Parenting offers a revolutionary new option by inviting parents to focus on themselves, grow themselves up, and calm themselves down. The ScreamFree Parenting principles will lead parents of all ages (with kids of all ages) to create and enjoy the family relationships they've always craved starting now.
ScreamFree Parenting
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