Jodi tagged me for this meme:
1. Coolest birthday you remember: My 40th (2006). David had a big birthday party for me with a bunch of family and friends. My aunt made a collage of me over the years. How embarrassing!
2. Do you prefer hosting parties or attending as a guest? I enjoy both but probably attending is my favorite.
3. What color is your bedroom? The walls are painted a sage green. Comforter has red, gold, green.
4. Do you and your man have a song? What tune makes you swoon? My husband and I love music. Our song started out as "Soul Provider". It was David's song to me and he played it on the night he proposed. I love "Feel Like A Woman" by Martina McBride as my song to him. But "Let's Make Love" by Tim and Faith makes me swoon-hee hee.
5. What were/will be your wedding colors? Would you change them? Traditional black tuxes. The girls wore peach. I don't believe I would change it.
6. Ever sneak out of the house or host a wild bash while the ‘rents were away? What’s your wild child tale? Never really snuck out of my house but I did a friends and yes, I did have a bash while they were away. Mom knows all about it now! My boyfriend had to mow the lawn to get rid of tire marks in the yard.
7. You just won the lottery! Do you stash your cash or pass the bucks? What are the first 3 things you’d do? First I’d tithe, then pay off debt and buy a new vehicle, then I would definitely help others.
8. You oughta’ be in pictures…which actress stars as you in a movie of your life’s story? This is a hard one! I really don't know. Maybe Brooke Shields? Ha!
9. What’s your go-to meal for quick comfort? First choice would be Steak N' Shake but that's not very quick.
10. Everyone has ups and downs. What’s your hardest learned lesson? That God loves me just the way I am regardless of my past (or present) failures.
11. What advice would you give to 18 year-old you? Enjoy the years when your kids are young! They go by so fast. Watch how you spend your money.
12. Favorite board game: Sorry
13. Dish it! What’s your “me time” guilty pleasure? TV. If I get to go out, it's shopping and Starbucks.
14. What’s one thing you’d like to learn to do in 2008? Get my pictures organized on my computer, power point.