We took Jacob last night to the Braves game for his 12th birthday. It was hot, hot, hot. We tried to overlook it and have a good time. We did, for the most part. Sure wish the Braves won but it was a bad night for them.
Anyway, we had a good time hanging out and eating a bunch of good baseball game food!
Funny thing about these t-shirts. Bought these at the CNN center when I was at Women of Faith. Thought I was going to win the "cool Mom" award when I handed them to the boys. Jared's face looked so funny. He said, "Mom, that's Andru Jones (#25)." I thought he was being ungrateful! Dad and Jacob didn't know what to say. I said: "Well, don't you like Andru Jones?" Ha. Many thanks to the Clubhouse store at Turner Field for exchanging the shirt for me and making my 9 year old very happy to have CHIPPER Jones (#10) t-shirt in time for the game. In my defense, they say it happens all the time! Do I still get the "cool Mom" award for calling all over the place to get this worked out?
Yes you do!
The old saying is true: "It's the thought that counts."
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