Nana and PaPa with the kids.
Jenna and Angel.
all the kids with Jessica and Johnny. The "new" cousins.

Christmas Eve at Oasis.
Christmas seems like a blur for me. With a new puppy and a wedding on the 27th it was a little crazy. Our internet went down on Christmas Day but I would not have had time to post anyway! We always enjoy Christmas Eve services and this year we went with Debbie to Oasis. For just a moment before the services I stepped away to just try and focus. After hardly any sleep the night before I just needed a few minutes. I ended up in the nursery and God really spoke to me there. Everything was clean, sanitized, beds waiting, boucy seats, etc.. Jesus did not have any of that. Just a manger that was far from sanitized. Why do we celebrate Christmas the way we do was my thought? I have thought about this year after year. Jesus had nothing but we feel it's not a good Christmas if we don't give the perfect gift! After the service began and about 600 people sang the most powerful song, "O Holy Night" (my favorite), the pastor spoke on Christmas from the eye of the inn keeper. Just what the Lord had spoken to me about in the nursery. He opened his barn to the saviour and didn't even know it. Are we opening our lives to the saviour and recognizing what He has done for us? It was very powerful and I came away from there with lots of ideas for next year. I hope I will follow through with them! Santa came Christmas Eve with our new puppie, Angel. Everyone was totally shocked! Christmas day was fun opening presents, playing with the puppies, and celebrating with our new members of the family-Jay, Jessica, and Johnny. The kids all got what they wanted: Jacob, a new air soft gun; Jared, a Razor Power Wing scooter; and Jenna, a Nintendo DS (from NaNa and PaPa). When I step back and think about this Christmas I realize how very blessed we are. God has been so good this year.
Awesome post! You will have to share with me your ideas for next year, maybe I can put some in place for us too! It is just getting too crazy. It took the Christmas Eve service to set me straight this year too. I have been running in different directions and not keeping my focus this year. Thanks for reminding us all!
Angel is looking spoiled already. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas.
I really hated to miss Debbie's wedding. I figured you would post some pictures. I'm hoping.
or just e-mail me some if you want.
I love the name Angel!! And, she fits right in with all the rest of the the Yarbrough blessings! Smiles!
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