"Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go for to You I lift up my soul." Psalm 143:8
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!"
Isaiah 43: 18 -19
This summer I have really been working on a more consistent quiet time and not just squeezing it in when I can. During the school year it's usually in my van after I have taken kids to school. I have discovered a favorite spot to meet with the Lord-my front porch. I'm sure you have that favorite spot-one where you can just try and get in His presence and hear his voice. If you have little children (or even if you don't), it gets difficult, doesn't it?
It's hard getting up.
If you get up, the kids get up early-what's up with that?
If you get up, get started, and are really get going good-the kids get up!
If you wait until night, you fall asleep!
To me, it's just doing the best you can. There could be a lot worse things than your kids waking up and seeing you in the Word, right? I remember several years ago Jacob told my mother-in-law: "When I get up, Mom is always reading her bible." Well, always is stretching it but it sure meant a lot to me that he noticed that. I decided this summer that I would not have a list of "wants" for the Lord. My prayer every day has been for Him to be the center of my life and to invade every thought and EMOTION (I'm a very emotional person) that enters my mind. The rest will fall into place.
So, consider yourself tagged if you are reading this. What is your favorite spot? When is your best time for a quiet time? What has the Lord been teaching you? Post on your blog and leave a comment so we can read yours!