"Thank God, O woman, for the quietude of your home, and that you are queen in it. Men come at eventide to the home; but all day long you are there beautifying it, sanctifying it, adorning it, blessing it. Better be there than wear a queen's coronet. Better be there than carry the purse of a princess. It may be a very humble home. There may be no carpet on the floor. There may be no pictures on the wall. There may be no silks in the wardrobe; but, by your faith in God, and your cheerful demeanor, you may garnish that place with more splendor than the upholsterer's hand ever kindled." (T. De Witt Talmage)
I got this off another blog but don't know how to put the link here-I'm still learning!
I guess I can't consider myself a SAHM because I do work 30 hours a week at my church but I so love this this quote. It still applies to ALL Moms. Have you ever heard "the woman is the thermostat of the home"? Boy, is that true. Be encouraged today....you are important.
Very nicely written. I love it too, but wow...what a responsibility, huh?
I wouldn't have it any other way - although there are some days I think otherwise! Love your new blog. And, by the way, the kids' picture is too sweet!
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