Beautiful horse farm on I75 in Lexington.

Me, Mom, and Nicole at the fashion show.

Elk Creek Winery in Owenton, Ky
When my birthday rolled around this year I told David the only thing I wanted was to go to Kentucky for the weekend by myself. I didn't get my hopes up but just waited to see if it all worked out and boy did it ever! I left last Thirsday for 4 nights at my Mom's. Here is the play-by-play:
Thursday-dinner and shopping with my high school friend Cammie.
Friday-Lunch with my sister, pedicure with my niece and Mom, then Nicole spent the night. We watched Australia and my sister-in-law Karen stopped by.
Saturday-Mom had gotten us tickets to a fashion show that her good fried put on through the Kentucky Women's Club. Nicole had to get back for a wedding then Mom and I rode out to Owenton, KY to see the new Elk Creek Vineyards. Don't know how they found that land. It was beautiful! Saturday night Mom and I watched Secret of the Bees.
Sunday-went to church with Mom, went to visit dad, then back to Mom's for some more girl time with Nicole and my nieces. We watched Secret Life of Bee's -again!
Unfortunately it was time to leave on Monday. It was a fantastic time and I will always treasure it! My family gave me a huge welcome home with dinner at Long Horn. Thanks David for such a great weekend! You're the best husband ever!