Sunday, September 30, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Monday-chicken casserole, green beans, salad before Jared's game

Tuesday-not sure yet (Daddy working)

Wednesday-sandwich or leftovers before church

Thursday-Bruschetta chicken (from last week since my hubbie took me out)

Friday-probably out to eat

Saturday- hamburgers and hot dogs.

I am at a challenging point in my menu planning becasue there are only so many dishes I know that include chicken. We are cutting down on beef becasue of David's gout. I will take any suggestions any of you ahve and will be spending a lot of time researching this so a lot of my menus right now will be repeats!

1 comment:

The Henderson's said...


Check out the link on the right side of my page that says "Roni's weighten" she has a whole host of recipes, all of which are Weight Watchers. YOu're bound to find something there... Good luck, chicken only is quite the challenge.