We've had a great Easter weekend. It started Thursday with an egg hunt and picnic at Jenna's school. Easter Sunday was a beautiful day for church and our annual egg hunt at NaNa and PaPa's. The kids all got Easter gifts. Jenna got a new Bible and the boys got money, of course. The big kids still hunt eggs because NaNa and PaPa put money in the eggs and there is always a prize egg! This year there were 4 prize eggs found by Jessica, Johnny, and Jacob. The only bad part was that Daddy had to work and we really missed him! We were so glad to have Jacob back home after a week at the beach with a friend.
Most of all, we are thankful to our Saviour Jesus for dying on the cross and raising from the grave to save us. I was especially blown away by Jenna this year and how much she knows. She commented many times about why we celebrate Easter and how it's her favorite holiday. Can't ask for more than that.